27 Jul 2004

Amazon.com freak ? Then this is the site for you. A9.com lets you search through amazon.com books using the new site-specific searches powered by google.com. What i like about it is that its no-nonsense, fast and it uses my amazon.com login to remember my searches.

Tip: In the search results trying holding your mouse over the little golden button titled "Site Info" - enjoy !

A9 comes with a host of other features. Here are some of them (detailed version can be found here):

  • Searching "inside" the book (need amazon membership) -  This is particularly useful when looking up references across books. I tried this cross referencing Java design patterns across books. Worked out pretty well - i must say !

  • Adjustable columns - The search results are columnized (web, books & history).

  • Quick searcha9.com/Harry Potter  and press enter (something i wish google would offer). No need to wait for the search box to appear

  • Site Info balloon - see fig.

  • Click history - marks visited searches seperately. One handy feature when you are search across a huge set of results.

  • etc, etc

A9 also comes with its toolbar which might be handy if you get to like this. Personally i prefer quick search. All in all, i think this is a pretty nifty site. I would sure like to see Amazon expand a9's feature to search for books in specific category (say "Computer Science", Gardening, etc).

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